Reunion Registration

NAME_______________________________________ DATE______________
ADDRESS:__________________________________ City:____________________ State:________________ Zip Code:_______
TELEPHONE# Include Area Code_____________________ Cell Phone _______________ EMAIL:___________________________

If you register/pay BEFORE January 31, 2014 you will receive a discount of $10 per person off full Registration Fee $55 per person. Your Registration letter must be post marked on or before 1/31/2014 for this discount. Select all that apply, this is per person attending:

_______Registration Fee $55.00 per person if post marked before 1/31/2014 
_______Registration fee $65.00 per person (includes Group Dinner Friday Night)
_______Registration fee $25 per person not attending Friday night’s dinner and raffle.
_______Registration Fee $10 per person deposit for the Orioles Game on Thursday.   Remaining   $19.00 to be paid by July 1  (The full $29.00 per person may be made at this time if you desire )
_______Reunion Shirts will be sand colored Size_______
$18.00 Small – Xtra Large
$19.00 XX Large

______ Total of check

Send filled out registration form together with a check made out to Charles Beegle
Put 5th Maintenance Bn on the memo line

Charles Beegle
12302 Greenlea Chase West
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73170